Documentaries & videos that exposes the truth with proof

Documentaries/videos presented here are the one's which speak only with proof! 

(Scroll till the End)
1) Leaked Video of leaving neverland Accusers:

This leaked video exposed leaving neverland accuser lying about abuse by michael in the so called documentary leaving neverland! 

These accusers also have not denied their leaked video which exposed their lies in leaving neverland!

2) real victims vs wade rosbon & james safechuck:

3) James safechuck could not control his laughs when oprah asks about his GUT WRENCHING MOCK WEDDING STORY he said in leaving neverland:

James safechcuk in leaving neverland said that michael jackson married him in a mock wedding ceremony as a child and they had written marriage vows! His hands even tremble while he shows his rings michael gifted him when he was a child & its a very horrific scene!  But in oprah interview when she asks safechuck about that gut wrenching horrifying incident happened in his life, he is caught laughing & then trying to hide it!! Which abuse victim would be able to laugh out of their control while speaking about such a child wedding happened to them?? This exposes how james made up the whole lie just to make the audience believe his story!! (actually even that was not his own idea, he stole this story from a book of an author named victor gutierrez who has been sued by many people for writing fake sensational stories about them & had been proved lying in court by many)

4) The Truth about James safechuck:

James safechcuk said in oprah & in every interview that he realised his abuse only after he saw wade in national tv speaking about his abuse by michael, Now what james or leaving neverland documentary never say is that just two days before james saw wade in TV his family was served with a lawsuit to pay a huge amount of money (and this money was increased to 24 million in the year 2014, so now they are in a loan of 24 million!! ) by the business partner in who were a part of his parents business! 

And two days after getting this lawsuit in hand he watches wade coming in tv and then all of the sudden realizes his abuse too & speaks about his abuse on 20th (just 4days later after seeing wade in tv , and just 6 days later having got a lawsuit to pay a huge money) and after this he files in court asking from michael jacksons money many many millions(together they both are asking for a BILLION DOLLAR) now here we clearly understand why james started this abuse lie!

14 may 2013 - Safechucks are served with lawsuit to pay a huge money by their business partner

16 may 2013 - (2 days later after receiving the lawsuit) james watches wade speaking in television about his abuse & james gets to know wade has asked many many millions from michael jackson estate!

20 may 2013 - (6 days later after receiving the lawsuit) james says this new story of his abuse for the first time, not goes to the police station but to the same civil lawyer of wade & puts case asking for many many millions 

  • Together both wade and james have asked for 1.5 BLLION DOLLAR OF MONEY) but none of this is told in leaving Neverland and its cleverly hided! And in that 4hours they dont even take a minute to speak about this 1.5 billion dollar both james & wade have asked for
Now james has to pay 24MILLIONS to their business partner and james is doing an ordinary job & no big background and his wife is also in an ordinary job, No wonder he came out withe the abuse lie in just 6days after receiving the lawsuit to pay this huge money

Proof of court papers please check this: 

The court paper of james safechuck family being sued (link goes to court paper in the government website itself)

5) Many Many Many lies in leaving neverland found with PROOF:

Whatever is shown in this video is a tip of the ice berg, as this video was made during the initial stages of research about the lies found in leaving neverland, later more and more lies were found!

5) Tip of the ice berg:

5) James safechuck one of the several lies tat wer PROVED with PROOF:

James safechuck in the complain he has filed against michael jacksons has told he was molested between 1988 to 1992 ONLY! 

He had been adamantly saying for LAST 6 YEARS in court papers, leaving neverland and in various TV channles, news paper that his grooming stopped at the age of 14 from 1998 to 1992 and also jackson always started to groomed the boys for separation before they attended puberty and the boys where replaced by YOUNGER boys before the previous one attained puberty!

Now check this video!

Not to mention when it was proved as a huge lie, dan reed got panicked & twisted the story telling james was molested even after the puberty and that is why he was molested at the train station at 16!! But that does not go with james own story which he had said in the last 6years & even in leaving neverland that he was not molested after 14 & was replaced after 14 and not just that but he was groomed for separation and was replaced after 14 & brett barness occupied his place( brett barness till date says james is lying about michael and he has told james is misusing his name) And so dan reed was caught twisting the plot 

And to repair he being caught twisting dan reed again twisted the plot telling the building was there and was built before taking govt permission, but a photograph from FBI officer who flew on helicopter in 1993 over leaving neverland proved there was no building in that site and it was a plain ground and also a news paper photo taken at a different time later that year also shows that the building was under construction...! and not even built


SO THIS JUST PROVED JAMES JUST MADE UP HIS STORY OF ABUSE! and danreed is now trying to cover the story by twisting it and unfortunately could not do it as the proofs  of james lying are strong!
















